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Adopting a dog or cat is one of the most rewarding things you will ever experience but being a pet parent is also a big responsibility!

Your new furry, family member will provide you with endless amounts of love, but they are 100% reliant on you as their pet parent.

Being a good pet parent includes providing your dog or cat with a healthy diet, exercise, regular veterinary visits and plenty of love! Those are obvious when thinking about taking care of a pet. However, what many pet parents fail to consider is what happens when your pet gets sick or injured?

Sadly, many new pet parents fail to consider the cost of veterinary care if their dog or cat gets sick or injured. Here are some interesting facts about veterinary care in the U.S.

  • 1 in 3 pets will need urgent vet care this year
  • Every 6 seconds a pet owner is faced with a vet bill of more than $1,000
  • Annual veterinary expenses in the U.S. exceeded $17 billion in 2017

Veterinary care has never been better or more accessible, but it comes with a cost. Common hereditary issues like hip dysplasia can cost thousands to treat. Here is a sample of the cost of treatment for various accidents and illnesses your pet may face during their lifetime.

  • Hip Dysplasia: $4,000 – $6,000
  • Stomach Issues: $200 – $5,000
  • Torn Ligament: $3,000 – $6,000
  • Cancer: $5,000 – $20,000
  • Broken Bone: $200 – $5,000

The good news is that most of these health issues can be treated and allow your pet to live a long, healthy life afterward. The bad news is vet hospitals and specialists will not provide treatment unless you have the ability to pay or have insurance. So, if you can’t pay right away or don’t have coverage your and your pet are out of luck.

This is why we encourage all new pet parents to enroll in a pet insurance plan as soon as you bring your pet home. Having health coverage will ensure that your pet will get the best treatment possible when they need it the most. It will also prevent you from digging into your hard-earned savings or racking up high-interest credit card debt.

In fact, the #1 reason pet parents buy insurance is because they want to “make decisions about their pet’s health without worrying about affording treatment.”

Adopting a pet is an extremely rewarding and noble undertaking, but it’s also comes with a lot of responsibility. So, as you consider the time and money you’ll invest in your new furry friend, we hope you’ll seriously considering getting a pet insurance plan for your newly adopted family member!

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